Whether you are looking to build a marina or a dock behind your home - we can help with all of your CAMA permits necessary to get your project moving forward.
We have over 37 years of experience in eastern North Carolina with obtaining major CAMA permits and general CAMA permits.
major cama permits
Major CAMA permits for the construction of marina projects - bulkheads - seawalls - rip-rap - piling installation - dredging and fill - All that require CAMA permits.
general cama permits
General CAMA permits for dock installation - boat lifts - boat house covering and marine installaion that requires a CAMA permit for constrcution.
wetland delineation
Coastal wetland, stream delineations, and identifying Areas of Environmental Concern (AEC) as it relates to the North Carolina Coastal Resources Commission (CRC) rules and regulations.
Private Docks and pier PERMITS
Private dock installation which require CAMA permits - boat houses and boat coverings that shade the waters.